Tuition & Fees

Academic Year 2023-2024


Tuition Per Semester

Fees Per Semester

Total Per Semester

WV Resident









WV Resident – for total of seven (7) semesters


Non-resident – for total of seven (7) semesters


Required Expenses – Not Tuition Related

Unless indicated below, students will be given specific order/purchase instructions for required items.

Lab Coat and Scrubs

$60.00 lab coat
Two sets of program-required scrubs, $60.00 each
In addition, students must have one pair of scrubs (their preference) for anatomy lab – these will be disposed of after anatomy lab course – estimated cost is $20.00

Books and Equipment (includes stethoscope and any needed medical equipment)

$1,700.00 (program estimate) **

Physical Examination

Prior to matriculation, cost will vary depending on student insurance and area. After students matriculate into the program for year two, costs are covered.


Prior to matriculation, cost will vary depending on previous student immunizations.

Background Check

$139.60 – this will be performed two times at $69.80 each – once prior to matriculation and once prior to beginning clinical rotations. Various health care sites may require additional testing (to be at student expense).

Drug Screen

$45.00 prior to matriculation (if done locally at Huntington site; if not done in Huntington, then $60.00) $45.00 prior to going on rotations (random drug screens are paid by the program)


$75.00 (one-time fee)


$10.00 (one-time fee)

Marshall PA Program Student Society Dues

$10.00 (one-time fee)

Certification Exam


Health Insurance

Cost to be determined by health insurance carrier chosen by the student

Computer (student preference of laptop or desktop)


BLS/ACLS Trainings


Graduation Fee

$50.00 paid in last semester

**Cost for books and equipment above reflects the purchase of texts not available via our online database. Many of our required texts are available as e-texts at no additional cost to students resulting in significant savings.

Living Expenses Estimate

Living Expenses Estimate (per month)
          Rent/Mortgage: $750.00
          Utilities: $400.00
          Food: $275.00

$17,100.00 per year

Loan Fees

Direct Unsubsidized Loan Fees: $355.00
Direct Graduate Plus Fees: $733.00